U.S. love for pit bulls, bigger than you thought
Banfield Pet Hospitals - the largest veterinary clinic chain in the world - wants us to know that the popularity of dogs described as pit bulls has increased by 47% in the last ten years in this country. (Source) They tell us that pit bulls now rank within the top ten preferred breeds in the U.S and are the third most popular dog in California (Check your state: Source) VetStreet's data agrees, but puts pit bulls as the second most popular dog in CA. (Source)
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We're not surprised. We know Americans love their pit bulls. Love, love, LOVE them. The stories and photos that flow into our inbox reflecting affection for these animals are non-stop. We get so many that they almost seem common place anymore, but this one gave me a good sized lump in my throat. What tugs at the heart more than a self-described 'fat cop' who melts into a puddle after receiving a life threatening diagnosis for his beloved pooch? Marc's big love for his girl Lilly represents everything we know to be true about the recent decade's new found love affair with the blockheads. Please send Lilly some warm thoughts for good health and spare some for her worried dog dad, too!
"The Beautiful Blue you see here is "Aloha Lilly" on FB - She Rescued me almost 5 years ago now. I grew up with many breeds and then ended up in Law Enforcement where my exposure to .... "unfriendly" Pits prevailed. I was always the "Fat Cop Trying to outrun a Pit - Film at 11 on the local news." Lilly now ("Sade" in the County Shelter) was dropped late one night in their "Safe Drop", I've pretty much put together she was raised from a pup by a US Marine living on base. He dropped her 3 nights after the "Hard Date" of NO Pits, Rotts or Wolf Breeds allowed on base - obviously he tried and tried to find someone to take her but alas with all the rental restrictions and no options he reportedly said "Goodbye" for 45 minutes.... as he drove off she tried to follow and was taken to ground by a Shepherd.

I cannot tell you how many times she's "Rescued me" in return. I have become a very outspoken Ambassador for the Breed. Lilly is with me constantly - consequently she is exposed to outright Hatred on a weekly basis and I've grown VERY intolerant of "Aggressive Ignorance". Lilly and most Pits properly raised and socialized (and many others who are just dying to have an opportunity) are the most Sensitive K-9's I have EVER experienced in my 51 years. If I so much as LOOK at Lilly with Disapproval.... she will Pout for 10 minutes! I did not get her with any intention of being a working dog for me... that came later and at the urging from a friend who coached / trained in Utah.

I cannot tell you how many times she's "Rescued me" in return. I have become a very outspoken Ambassador for the Breed. Lilly is with me constantly - consequently she is exposed to outright Hatred on a weekly basis and I've grown VERY intolerant of "Aggressive Ignorance". Lilly and most Pits properly raised and socialized (and many others who are just dying to have an opportunity) are the most Sensitive K-9's I have EVER experienced in my 51 years. If I so much as LOOK at Lilly with Disapproval.... she will Pout for 10 minutes! I did not get her with any intention of being a working dog for me... that came later and at the urging from a friend who coached / trained in Utah.

Today she's in "Aftercare" and doing good, I'm doing better. Just LOTS of Stress and now the "Fallout" from diverting ALL Funds to her Treatment and NOT paying other Bills has come home to Roost as they say.... but I'd do it again if necessary!!" - Thanks again! Aloha Marc.
No, thank you Marc. We got such a boost your story today and plan to be some of your biggest fans on Lilly's facebook page.
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