If you own a pitbull, the following letter will be the most important you will ever read .......
At Last! A Definitive Guide To Help Keep Your Pit Bull Safe From Anti-Pit Bull Laws
"Over the next few minutes, I'm going to spill the beans about Anti-Pit Bull laws, giving you a powerful weapon in the fight against those who want to strip your of your beloved Pit Bull ..."
Dear Fellow Pit Bull Owner:
If you love your pitbull as much as I love mine, then she is a part of your family. Her strength of character, loyalty, intelligence and capaciity for love is what makes her so very special.
If you are reading this page, you no doubt feel the very same way about your pitbull - and share the special love, joy and pride we feel for our dogs.
But I want you to close you eyes for a moment.
Imagine how you would feel if someone took your beloved pitbull away from you ripping her from your home, your children, and away from the family that loves her - all because they don't like how she looks!
Would you chase them down? Demand her back? Would you be outgraged? Would you file charges against the people who took her?
Now - Just imagine that your city or town passed a law that banned your dog – and they just might kill her too - even though she hasn’t down anything wrong.
What would you do now?
Sound like a nightmare?
This nightmare is for real and it's happening to innocent dogs and dog owners all over the country!
What's worse is that fact that many loving pitbull owners are not even aware of these laws or perhaps even think that it could never happen to them.
They may never know the danger that is lurking until it's too late.
Your beloved dog can be ripped from the arms of your loving family - and it won't matter if your dog if a good dog, a therapy dog - or even she has her Canine Good Citizen.
It won't matter if your dog is a purebred or mixed-breed, or whether he's registered or a rescue dog.
It's called "breed specific legislation" - and it can result in the heartache and devastation of having your innocent dog seized or even killed.
What can pitbull owners do to stop this insanity?
What can you do to save your dog from being banned or killed? What can you do to stop discrimination against you and your dog?
They're the questions that a lot of pitbull owners are asking.
To answer those questions and many more, and give every good dog and every good dog owner out there a fighting chance - I've written a resource guide specifically for pitbull owners, which is so URGENTLY needed.
Announcing the ONLY book of it's kind ever written, containing CRITICAL information just for dog owners like you:
The Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide
This is the ONE BOOK that no pitbull owner should ever be without! Turn your worries into confidence - GUARANTEED!
As you read every word in The Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide, you'll be STUNNED to learn just exactly what's going on and you DISCOVER the methods for safeguarding your family and your dogs.
The Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide was written JUST for pitbull owners by a pitbull owner - me!
I sat down and wrote what would help me save my own beloved dog (that's her in front of our Christmas Tree) and now I want toshare this resource with you.
Why? Because Pit Bull owners need helpand they need it now - they face having their dogs banned, seized or killed.
We need to save innocent dogs - and innocent owners too - from the hateful lawsand ordinances that treat us like criminals.
I KNOW firsthand what neighbors, politicians, the media and even what other dog owners think of us and our dogs.
Which is EXACTLY why I wrote The Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide.
As the author of several dog-related blogs, each day I hear from people all over the country who are looking for help becauseanti-Pit Bull laws are being proposed or have passed in their community.
And as a "pitbull" owner myself, I understand the problems, frustrations and challenges that only comes from actually owning a pitbull.
This eBook was written to show you how toavoid the critical mistakes that could end up costing you your dog or even cost your dog's life!
But the truth is that the information insideThe Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide can benefit ALL dog owners - regardless of breed.
Here is one thing that’s a PROVEN FACT:
Fighting Anti-Pit Bull Laws Is Futile - Here's Why ...
Even IF The Facts Are On Our Side, The Court Of Public Opinion Is Against Us
Problem #1
Pitbulls and their owners have been demonized in the press as “criminals, drug dealers, gang members or dog fighters” and are at an extreme disadvantage to try to overcome the constant negative media hype.
Basically, media outlets don't even bother verify information in so-called “pitbull attacks” and breed identification is often reported incorrectly.
The media thrives on “pitbull” headlines – they make a FAST BUCK at the expense of innocent dogs and dog owners. This isn't responsible journalism - but they don't care as long as it sells papers, do they?
Problem #2
Politicians don’t care about the facts. They may know the facts, and responsible dog owners have presented the facts, but in many cases, politicians vote for breed bans or other breed specific legislation anyway.
The truth of the matter is that only a handful of pitbull owners are successful in opposing breed bans - unless they have a plan.
Problem #3
Pitbull owners lack organized representation AND have little or no money for lobbying and media campaigns.
There is no national dog organizationwith the resources to defend pitbull owners in local communities.
Basically, unless you are made of money or have powerful friends in high places, it’s nearly impossible to mount a solid defense against breed specific legislation.
The Bottom Line:
You're on your own! Unless you have a plan - a ready-to-go toolkit and roadmap to stop anti-Pit Bull laws from ever being passed.
Which is exactly why I wrote The Pitbull Owners Survival Guide - to help pitbull owners fight back.
But before we go any further, here's one question that you need answer ..........................
What Would You Do If They Planned To Kill Your Dog?
Denver, Colorado Officials Say CoCo Must Die
Denver Family Loses Effort to Save Beloved Companion; Memorial Gathering at Denver Dog Pound Planned
On August 5, 2008, a hearing officer employed by the city of Denver deemed "Coco," the beloved companion of Desiree Arnold and family, a "pit bull" under the city's pit bull extermination law.
Doug Kelley, director of the Animal Control and Care Division for the City of Denver, has refused requests to allow Coco to be removed from Denver and to be taken in by another loving family. Kelley insists that Coco must die. Ms. Arnold expects Coco to be killed today.
Ms. Arnold and others will gather at the Municipal Animal Shelter at 678 S. Jason Street at 4:00 p.m. today to hold a brief memorial for Coco.
Ms. Arnold and others will gather at the Municipal Animal Shelter at 678 S. Jason Street at 4:00 p.m. today to hold a brief memorial for Coco.
UPDATE: Sadly, CoCo was euthanized on August 6, 2006 by the City of Denver - a heinous act.
It’s too late for Coco, and thousands of dogs just like her that have been seized and euthanized solely because of what they “look” like – not because of anything they’ve done wrong.
What Was Coco’s Crime?
Coco was deemed a prohibited animal even though Animal Control Officers agreed that Coco possessed only 11 of 27 traits city officials have identified as "pit bull" traits, apparently using outdated breed standards.
The ordinance states that a dog is prohibited only if it is an American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Pit Bull Terrier or if it possesses the majority of attributes of one or more of the three breeds, or possesses "the distinguishing characteristics" that "substantially conform to" the breed standards.
Coco was not identified as a purebred dog and was considered a mixed breed dog by two of 3 animal control officers.
This sad and tragic event has devastated CoCo’s family and illustrates the pure evil of breed specific legislation..
There's no science, no logic and no eveidence that condemned CoCo to death.
Just the ignorance of some local animal conrol officers who ":thought" CoCo looked "like a Pit Bull" and killed her.
How's that for logic? How's that for fairness? Is this the way our system is supposed to work?
Are we supposed to condemn and convict based on looks alone? That's how it's done in Denver - and plenty of places like it - fair or not.
Are you outraged yet?
Will You Let Them Kill Your Dog?
It’s too late for Coco, and thousands of dogs just like her that have been seized and euthanized solely because of what they “look” like – not because of anything they’ve done wrong.
Literally hundreds of towns and cities have passed breed specific legislation and if you don’t take action RIGHT NOW to save your dog – you can lose your dog and your dog could pay the ultimate price, and pay with his life.
Unfortunately, many pitbull owners are completely unaware that there are laws out there that could literally kill their dogs –until it’s too late!
As a proud and loving pitbull owner, I am asking if you willing to let this happen to you and your dogs?
Are you are ready, willing and able to stand up for your dog – do you have a plan??? Or will you let them kill your dog?
Can you do something today - before it's too late for your dog?
Your dog would stand up for you – won't you stand up for your dog? Won't you stand up for youself???
Pitbull Owners Need A Strategic Plan
If You Fail To Plan, The You Plan To Fail
Pitbull owners need a powerful andstrategic plan to prevent tragedies like this and to stop the discrimination that we face each and every day.
I'll show you how to protect yourself by building a PROACTIVE STRATEGY to defend your dog and your right to own a dog - even if you have no idea where to start!
AND if you live someplace where BSL is pending or has passed, I’ll show you how to protect yourself by building a DEFENSIVE STRATEGY to save your dog.
PLUS – I’ll teach you how to sway the court of public opinion, and overcome the negative media stereotypes and the smear campaign that is being waged against pitbulls and their owners on a daily basis.
I’ll give you the tools to fight back to save your dog - for less than the price of a DVD rental and a pizza!
The Ongoing Campaign Against Pitbulls
There’s a smear campaign being waged in the media against pitbulls and their owners each day.
If you’re like me, then you are sick and tired of inflammatory news reports with incorrect information that demonize dogs and criminalize us as owners!
Just WHO is smearing the American Pitbull Terrier & other bully breeds and WHY?
How Many Times Have Your Heard This One?
“pitbulls are the dogs of choice for drug dealers, gang members and criminals” and “dog fighters”.- The Humane Society Of The United StatesOR“They are the dog of choice for drug dealers, gang members and anyone else who wants a tough-looking dog."- The Humane Society Of The United StatesOR“They are seen in hip-hop culture. They are symbols for gang members."- The Humane Society Of The United States
These are all real press quotes - from the very organization that takes in millions of dollars in the name of helping animals.
The truth is that HSUS - and other "animal protection" organizations" have a history of using pitbulls to advance theri own legislative agendas while raising millions of dollars to line their coffers.
And they have no problem throwing you or your dogs "under the bus" to make it happen.
They Say They’re Opposed To BSL - But Are They Lying?
Guess which animal protection organizations had THIS to say about pitbulls?
“(To) stem the tide of dangerous pit bulls: a complete ban, not on the dogs already here, but on any further breeding of pit bulls”.- PETAANDThe fact is that very few responsible, mainstream dog lovers purposefully seek pit bulls to adopt or buy”.- Best Friends Animal Society
Have you found out you are donating to organizations that secretly hate pitbulls?
With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?
You discover the SHOCKING SECRETSabout which groups want pitbulls banned.
They don't just want them banned - they want to sterlize all pitbulls to make sure they can never reproduce.
They plan to exterminate pitbulls - and think that all pitbulls in shelters should be euthanized to make room for "better dogs".
Are You Willing To Risk Losing Your Dog?
After I rescued my pitbull, Zsa Zsa, I looked all over the web for information, groups, organizations – anyone or anything that would help me learn to stop these discriminatory, anti-pitbull laws.
It took over four years of researchingevery pit bull site and every related organization to arrive at the point in my knowledge and understanding today.
But the biggest disappointment for me was when I looked to major animal organizations like HSUS, PETA for help - only to find they actually SUPPORTED anti-Pit Bull laws and other forms ofdiscrimination against Pit Bulls and their owners.
Right now - HSUS, PETA & other organizations and their supporters are busy enacting laws designed to:
- Ban pitbulls
- Ban the breeding of pitbulls
- Ban the responsible containment of pitbulls.
Each of these laws is designed to accomplish one thing and one thing only - the complete elimination of all pitbulls.
But if you know what the REAL STORY is,you'll be prepared to prevent a breed banfrom ever happening.
Learn Fast! Instant CRASH COURSE In How To Save Your Pitbull!
The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide helps you SKIP OVER the years of research andgets right to the point.
This eBook gives you what you need to know to SAVE YOUR PITBULL – fast!
You’ll Be Up To Speed In The Shortest Time Possible
You’ll learn:
• The first thing every pitbull owner must do regardless if whether or not a breed ban is in place
• The four secret reasons behind breed specific legislation
• How to overcome the single greatest obstacle all pitbull owners face
• Learn which “animal protection” organizations actually support breed specific legislation!
• How to tell if your animal control law contains “hidden” breed specific legislation
• Discover the hidden dangers in “settling for a lesser sentence” to breed specific legislation
• How to harness the power of the Internet to overcome breed discrimination
• The four secret reasons behind breed specific legislation
• How to overcome the single greatest obstacle all pitbull owners face
• Learn which “animal protection” organizations actually support breed specific legislation!
• How to tell if your animal control law contains “hidden” breed specific legislation
• Discover the hidden dangers in “settling for a lesser sentence” to breed specific legislation
• How to harness the power of the Internet to overcome breed discrimination
Discover The TRUE Defenders Of The Breed
With all the crazy information on the Internet, it's hard for most pitbull owners to deciper which group is which - and figure out who is really on our side.
Who Can You Trust? The Pretenders & The True Defenders!
The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide helps you PINPOINT just which groups are on your side.
You'll discover which orgranizations working hard to help you stop breed specific legislation - and which ones are FAKES.
The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide gives you LISTS of all those resources - WITHOUT all that confusion!
You’ll learn:
• Which advocacy groups you can trust
• Which groups to AVOID (like the PLAGUE)
• Where you can go for help - even if it's in the middle of the night
• Which groups to AVOID (like the PLAGUE)
• Where you can go for help - even if it's in the middle of the night
• Discover which groups are taking on the legal challenge to breed specific legislation
• Which Yahoo Groups you need to join
• Where to get the resources to save your pitbull!
• Which Yahoo Groups you need to join
• Where to get the resources to save your pitbull!
Make Your Own Pitbull Public Relations Machine!
Pitbull owners are reclaiming the proud heritage of the American Putbull Terrier and other Bully Breeds.
Overcome negative media stereotypes!
• Learn to use the single most effective media machine – FOR FREE!
• How to use social media to your advantage
• Discover which keywords politicians may use to search for BSL
• How to influence your local news!
• How to overcome the single greatest obstacle all pitbull owners face
• Discover the media tools that the public relations pros use!
• How to use social media to your advantage
• Discover which keywords politicians may use to search for BSL
• How to influence your local news!
• How to overcome the single greatest obstacle all pitbull owners face
• Discover the media tools that the public relations pros use!
Life Strategies For Pitbull Owners
What's more important than pursuing Life, Liberty & Happiness?
Learn Life Skills & Understand Your Legal Rights!
• How to live safely and happily with the dog of your choice
• How to handle bad neighbors and what NOT to say!
• How to effectively deal with anti-dog enforcement
• How to understand and exercise your legal rights!
• Learn what every pitbull owner should dobefore moving!
• How to protect your home and your dog from being stolen or shot by police
• How to handle bad neighbors and what NOT to say!
• How to effectively deal with anti-dog enforcement
• How to understand and exercise your legal rights!
• Learn what every pitbull owner should dobefore moving!
• How to protect your home and your dog from being stolen or shot by police
Your Pitbull May Be Running Out Of Time!
How much time do you think you have? You may be running out of time to protect your pitbull right now - and you won't even know it!
By the time ANY breed specific ordinance is on the table, legislators often already have their minds made up!
The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide is the key to beating breed specific legislation, without having to spend hundreds of hours in research and identifying who and what is behind banning your dog.
Who Should Read The Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide?
I wrote this eBook for pitbull lovers just like me - pitbull owners who want to protect their dogs from bad laws, bad neighbors and bad politicians.
The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide Is For All:
• Regular Pitbull Owners
• Pitbull Breeders
• Pitbull Fanciers
• Pitbull Rescuers
• Pitbull Trainers
• Pitbull Enthusiasts
• Pitbull Advocates
You dog is what matters - it's not where you come from or whether you rescue (like me), show, train, breed or compete - we are all in this together.
Don't put your beloved pitbull at risk by waiting!
More Reasons To Read The Book!
Now that you know what's at stake for Pit Bulls and their owners, you could find yourself in a difficult, if not heart-breaking position.
Here are some more reasons why you needThe Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide:
Get Three FREE Bonuses!!!
Order TODAY and you’ll get these FREE value-added bonuses!
Free Forms & Petitions! Take control of your community with ready-made contact sheets & petitions.
The REAL DEAL – The letter from the American Veterinary Medical Association that tells cities NOT to misuse bite statistics to pass breed bans
INSIDER LETTERS from PETA & The Humane Society Of the United States they don’t want you to know about!
Real Life Recommendations
This is what real dog lovers have to say about The Pitbull Owner's Survival Guide:
We own six rescued dogs, including several “pitbull” mixes. Thank you for writing such an enlightening book! Now I know what to do to save my dogs from bad dog laws like breed specific legislation!
- M. Gillespie, Providence, RI
I got the information and was immediately able to pull the local ordinance just as you stated. I was worried that our town was going to pass BSL – luckily, I knew what to do ahead of time and saved me hours of research. For people like me, your eBook helped us tremendously! Thanks again!
- Bill T., Atlanta, GA
Hello – I recently purchased your eBook because we were worried about a possible breed ban. We own a purebred American Pitbull Terrier. There is talk of overturning our state law to all BSL. Your eBook has opened our eyes to a number of issues we never knew about, but we are much better prepared now!
- Patty S., Beaumont, TX
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. You have my personal 90 day guarantee that if you don't think the information in The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide to be extremely valuable, I will refund your payment. That's how truly confident I am that you'll learn something or connect with people who can help you fight breed specific legislation in your community.
Is that fair or what? With that type of guarantee you have absolutely no reason to turn this offer down.
Life Is Short – So Is Time!
By now you are wondering how much it's going to cost.
That's a good question.
I've spent years researching the issues and hundreds of hours compiling this information.
It could take you months, if not years toput all this information together – and still lose your dog in the process. Why wait for bad laws to happen when you can have the right information at your fingertips?
The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide canget you up to speed fast so you don’t have to waste precious time trying to research it yourself, and for way less money than any attorney would charge.If you love pitbulls, then you won’t want to be without this eBook.
I could easily ask $100 for The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide - but I don't feel comfortable doing that because I want everyone to have a copy - so it's only$29.95.
You really can't afford NOT to invest in The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide.
This offer is unique. There has never been a more complete package helpng Pitbull Owners fight anti=Pit Bull laws anywhere else - I guarantee you that!
When you order today, here's what you'll get:
The Pit Bull Owner's Survival Guide: 185 pages of easy to follow, anti-pit bull law fighting how to's, in one convenient location. Years of research and hours of work have been put into this guide. Instantly arm yourself and get the information that can help protect your rights and keep your Pit Bull safe. (*$29.95*)
Ready-to-Use Contact and Petition Forms: These ready to use forms will save you a ton of time and frustration. You will not have to run around trying to find examples or writing your own from scratch anymore. I'm sure like me, you'll find them invaluable. (*$15*)
The AVMA Letter - Telling cities NOT to use bite data to enact breed specificl legislation. PRICELESS!
The HSUS Letter - - Telling cities to discriminate against Pit Bulls & their owners by passing breed-specific legislation -PRICELESS!
It's easy to get started right away.
Once your order is complete you'll be taken to a receipt page and receive a link to download the The Pitbull Owner’s Survival Guide.
I look forward to helping you get the help you so desperately want and need to save your beloved pitbull.
B. Haywood
P.S. I'm in the same boat and I completely understand how frustrating it is to fight breed specific legislation. I know that what I'm offering here will help you tremendously.
And if it doesn't (which I really doubt) you can ask for your money back and get it with absolutely no hassles.
Now hopefully this will make you feel better about ordering from me. But if you have any additional questions please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I will reply to you as soon as possible.
God Bless and Good Luck!
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