Why do pitbull propagandist mention "Petey" from the "Little Rascals" tv show as some type of supposed role model of a pitbull or as a an excuse of justification for continuation of a breed that has killed 22-27 people for the 5 years?
What is the purpose of mentioning a tv show dog? What did that prove?
The dog that most commonly played Petey was poisoned. Possibly by the parents of those at risk chidren. People didn't like pits back then either.
That made for tv portrayal of Petey was about as FAKE as the ring around that gripper dog's eye. FYI, the tv crew had to artificially darken that circle and make it a complete circle.
So dumb to use Hollywood flim flam as a debate point. The "Little Rascals" was a show about a bunch of unattended children, most of them which would be categorized as lower half in socioeconomic levels, who constantly got into mischief, many times the scenarios portrayed life threatening situations for those children, so that is basically all you told us in your reference to Petey.
It is no wonder the dog for the show was a pitbull. A low class, ruffian of gripper bred fighting dog was perfect for the part.
What did Petey do on the show other than mostly bite people? He bit and gripped. Petey displayed perfect baiting/fighting dog behavior when he gripped and pulled during an episode that the kids were flying a kite. He didn't let go unless he could get a better grip. He was the perfect dog when they needed a dog which would bite, grip and use his body weight to pull. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. That's what makes pitbulls so lethal. They don't want to stop when they start that kind of behavior. And if it's a human instead of a kite, that kind of behavior leads to deadly consequences.
Pete was an American Pit Bull Terrier and was registered with the American Kennel Club as a Staffordshire Terrier. The AKC recognized the APBT as a breed, but in 1935 changed the name to Staffordshire Terrier, and many say Pete was among the first to be registered in that name. The dog was also UKC registered under the name Purple Ribbon Peter. Although a few other dogs played Petey, Lucenay’s was the best known.
The episode is even more satisfying when the stepmother gets her comeuppance at the end. When poor Petey is sent to the dog pound after being blamed for eating Mr. Brown’s chickens (which Nero was responsible for), he is saved by a woman who pays for his license. She turns out to be Wheezer’s aunt, who rescues him, his sister, and Petey from their current fate, and even buys Petey a beautiful new harness.
No other breed could work with a bunch of kids without hurting them.
FYI - Cheaper by the dozen with a house of kids. Guess what PIT BULL BABY!!! Best breed for kids!
im not sure
He was a Pit Bull.
Pit Bull.
American Bull Staffordshire Terrier
hw woz either a pit bull or a american bull dog looked more like an american bull dog to me!
Pit Bull
Pit Bull
Jack Russle
I have a bio on the show and he was an American Bulldog and there were two of them.
He was the same breed as CHAMP on Homeward Bound.
Petey was a pitbull.
Sadly, he was poisoned. The myth/legend was that there was someone who was jealous of Petey - and what a smart dog he was - not to mention the money he earned doing the Little Rascals.
Other famous pitbulls were/are
Popsicle - left to die in a freezer by thugs - he is the country's most successful drug dog.
Weela - KenLRation's dog of the year rescued over 30 people from a dangerous flood.
Dakota - one of the country's most honored search and rescue dogs.
Sgt. Stubby - the country's most decorated war dog (WWI)
Pitbulls get a really bum rap - but they're really great dogs. Smart, easily trained, loyal and well, just great dogs.
The sad thing is that so many people are afraid of Pitbulls - because many owners just want something that looks tough. Too many times the dog is blamed for human error.
So, parents, teach your children to be gentle with dogs - all dogs. Watch them when they're around dogs so that the child doesn't torment the dog into reaction (remember, dogs don't hands and can't push a toddler away)
And Owners of all dogs. Leashes are meant to be used. Use them. And dogs are pack animals. Don't leave Fido out in the back yard where he'll go crazy. Think of being in solitary confinement. What an awful sentence!
and spay and neuter! there are too many puppies out there.
American Staffordshire Terrier
"Lucenay's Peter" was a UKC-registered American Pit Bull Terrier, who was also one of the first Pit Bulls to be registered with the AKC as a Staffordshire Terrier(the breed name was changed to avoid confusion with the already-recognized Bull Terrier, and later "American" was added to avoid more confusion with the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier). Actually, there were more than one Pete, all decendants of the original dog. He was most definately an American Pit Bull, NOT an American Bulldog, although later in the modern movie version, an American Bulldog was used to play that part. You can read about Pete AND view his UKC pedigree on the site below, proving that he was most certainly a Pit Bull.
American Staffordshire Terrier (APBT)
Petey from “The Little Rascals” reminds us why pit bulls are indeed America’s dog
By Ingrid Fromm
If you’re like me, growing up in the ’60s and ’70s, you watched “The Little Rascals.” And no one can think about Our Gang, as they were originally known, without thinking of Petey the pup. With his trademark ring around his eye, Petey not only joined the kids in their antics, he proved to be an incredible friend to the gang. Every kid wanted a dog like Petey.
“The Little Rascals” was filmed in the 1920s and ’30s, when pit bulls were America’s dog. Watching the shorts, it’s easy to see just why pit bulls like Petey were considered nanny dogs. Whether Petey was paired with Wheezer, Stymie, Spanky or another kid, he was there to help them, protect them, entertain them and slather them with affection.
Petey was first played by Pal, whose guardian and trainer was Harry Lucenay. Pal did have a ring around most of his eye, and makeup was used to finish it off when he appeared as Tige in the Buster Brown movies. Hal Roach, the Our Gang producer, had no choice but to leave the ring around Petey’s eye when he appeared in “The Little Rascals” soon after. Unfortunately, Pal was poisoned, probably by someone with a grudge against Harry. But Harry was breeding a Petey line, and Pal’s son, Pete, began to appear in the shorts at age 6 months.
One of the most endearing episodes is “Pups is Pups,” where Wheezer has a litter of pit bull puppies that come running to him when they hear a bell ring. Wheezer’s genuine affection for his puppies is heartwarming and makes for some great moments in the short. When Wheezer loses his bell, he also loses his pups, which run to follow every bell they hear. He searches everywhere for his beloved puppies and rings bells wherever he is, but to no avail. Wheezer finally ends up on the church steps, despondent, crying for his lost puppies. Then the church bell rings and the puppies come running and pile on Wheezer! It is an incredible moment and still makes me tear up. And while the symbolism isn’t lost on me, it’s the relationship between Wheezer and his puppies that is so moving and poignant.
Wheezer again takes center stage with Petey in “Dogs is Dogs,” where Wheezer is being raised by his mean stepmother who doesn’t take a liking to either him or Petey, who she calls “nothing but an alley dog,” as opposed to her son Sherwood’s dog Nero, a German Shepherd. Even though Wheezer is a victim of unfortunate circumstance, everyone watching can delight in the scene where Wheezer wakes up and plays with Petey in his bed. It is a perfect example of the relationship between a kid and his beloved dog that was played over time and time again in “The Little Rascals.”
Whether Petey was following his kids to school, helping them escape from ne’er-do-well adults or babysitting the crowd, one thing was evident: his incredible loyalty and affection. In the book, “The Little Rascals: The Life and Times of Our Gang,” the child actors delighted in being with Petey. Jack Cooper wrote in his autobiography, “I loved that dog,” and said one of the great events of his childhood was when he was allowed to take Petey home with him for the weekend. “To stay a whole weekend with Pete … was my idea of glory and paradise combined.”
Different “Petey”s were used in the filming of the shorts, and acute viewers will notice that the circle around his eye changes, depending on which dog was used. But one thing is for sure, Pete was just as important a member of the gang as any of the child performers. When Hal Roach sold the series to MGM in 1938, one of the stipulations was that Pete tag along too.
Pete’s ability to respond comically on cue and his strong relationship with the kids in Our Gang endeared him to audiences for generations. Pete was not just a source of money or a celebrity to Harry Lucenay, he was his best friend. Pete lived to be 18 years old. And when Harry was asked about him after his death in 1946 he said, “He was a gentle, playful and warm dog. He would sleep at the foot of my bed. He was just the regular family dog. I really miss him.”
You can see Pete in action in this circa 1932 training video.
This article was originally published on November 30, 2011.
What kind of dog was Petey from the Little Rascals?
No other breed could work with a bunch of kids without hurting them.
FYI - Cheaper by the dozen with a house of kids. Guess what PIT BULL BABY!!! Best breed for kids!
im not sure
He was a Pit Bull.
Pit Bull.
American Bull Staffordshire Terrier
hw woz either a pit bull or a american bull dog looked more like an american bull dog to me!
Pit Bull
Pit Bull
Jack Russle
I have a bio on the show and he was an American Bulldog and there were two of them.
He was the same breed as CHAMP on Homeward Bound.
Petey was a pitbull.
Sadly, he was poisoned. The myth/legend was that there was someone who was jealous of Petey - and what a smart dog he was - not to mention the money he earned doing the Little Rascals.
Other famous pitbulls were/are
Popsicle - left to die in a freezer by thugs - he is the country's most successful drug dog.
Weela - KenLRation's dog of the year rescued over 30 people from a dangerous flood.
Dakota - one of the country's most honored search and rescue dogs.
Sgt. Stubby - the country's most decorated war dog (WWI)
Pitbulls get a really bum rap - but they're really great dogs. Smart, easily trained, loyal and well, just great dogs.
The sad thing is that so many people are afraid of Pitbulls - because many owners just want something that looks tough. Too many times the dog is blamed for human error.
So, parents, teach your children to be gentle with dogs - all dogs. Watch them when they're around dogs so that the child doesn't torment the dog into reaction (remember, dogs don't hands and can't push a toddler away)
And Owners of all dogs. Leashes are meant to be used. Use them. And dogs are pack animals. Don't leave Fido out in the back yard where he'll go crazy. Think of being in solitary confinement. What an awful sentence!
and spay and neuter! there are too many puppies out there.
American Staffordshire Terrier
"Lucenay's Peter" was a UKC-registered American Pit Bull Terrier, who was also one of the first Pit Bulls to be registered with the AKC as a Staffordshire Terrier(the breed name was changed to avoid confusion with the already-recognized Bull Terrier, and later "American" was added to avoid more confusion with the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier). Actually, there were more than one Pete, all decendants of the original dog. He was most definately an American Pit Bull, NOT an American Bulldog, although later in the modern movie version, an American Bulldog was used to play that part. You can read about Pete AND view his UKC pedigree on the site below, proving that he was most certainly a Pit Bull.
American Staffordshire Terrier (APBT)